After logging in or by clicking on the button „Overview“ you will get to the overview.
By clicking on the button „Customers“ you will get to the customer list.
The „Options“ button takes you to the options window.
In the overview you can search for customers and open the respective customer file. To create a new customer or delete an existing one, switch to the customer list by clicking „Customer“ .
The customer list can be sorted by column content. To do this, click on the column header to be sorted. A small triangle with the tip pointing upwards indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order. Clicking again on the same column heading will sort the list in descending order, this in turn will be indicated by a triangle with the tip pointing downwards .
Search customers
By entering the whole or a part of the first or last name in the search field and then clicking the button , the customer list will be filtered accordingly.
Open customer
The tasks that have not been completed yet are also displayed.
With a double click on a task line the customer data will open.
The customer list can be sorted by column content. To do this, click on the column header to be sorted. A small triangle with the tip pointing upwards indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order. Clicking again on the same column heading will sort the list in descending order, this in turn will be indicated by a triangle with the tip pointing downwards .
The cart is just shown, if the according workflow is set in.
The cart list can be sorted by column content. To do this, click on the column header to be sorted. A small triangle with the tip pointing upwards indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order. Clicking again on the same column heading will sort the list in descending order, this in turn will be indicated by a triangle with the tip pointing downwards .
Orders that are placed in the shopping cart, can be opened with a double click on the order line. Orders can be changed as long as they are not sended to pedcad or to your own CAD-program. To delete an order, see Delete.
Due to a click on the button , all orders with an activated checkbox are send to pedcad. With activating or deactivating the checkbox , the checkboxes of all orders are getting activated or deactivated.
Due to a click on the button , all orders with an activated checkbox are deleted just out of the cart. The Status of the orders is changed from „Submittet“ to „In process“. With activating or deactivating the checkbox the checkboxes of all orders are getting activated or deactivated.
Your company logo can be displayed here. This can be set in the options.