** Customers ** The customer list can be sorted by column content. To do this, click on the column header to be sorted. A small triangle with the tip pointing upwards [[http://pedcad.info/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pedoffice:sortirung_aufsteigend.png|{{:pedoffice:sortirung_aufsteigend.png?direct&}}]]indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order. Clicking again on the same column heading will sort the list in descending order, this in turn will be indicated by a triangle with the tip pointing downwards [[http://pedcad.info/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pedoffice:sortirung_absteigend.png|{{:pedoffice:sortirung_absteigend.png?direct&}}]].
{{:en:pedoffice:kunden:kundenbildschirm_en.png?nolink&600x324}}**Customer** \\ Für größere Ansicht klicken
===== Search customer ===== By entering the whole or a part of the first or last name in the search field {{:pedoffice:blau_01.png?direct&20}}and then clicking the button [[http://pedcad.info/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pedoffice:hacken.png|{{:pedoffice:hacken.png?direct&14}}]], the customer list will be filtered accordingly. To cancel the filtering click the button [[http://pedcad.info/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pedoffice:x.png|{{:pedoffice:x.png?direct&14}}]]. ===== Open customer ===== Due to a double click on the customer line the [[:en:pedoffice:kunden:kundenansicht|customer]] data will open. ===== Create a new customer ===== Due to a click on the button "New" {{:pedoffice:plus_blau.png?direct&20}} an empty customer page will open. ===== Delete a customer ===== To delete a customer, mark the relevant line on the customer list. You can search for the customer before. - Take care that you chose the right customer and click on the button delete {{:pedoffice:muelleimer_blau.png?direct&20}}. - Confirm the deletion with a click on "Yes". A click on "No" will cancel the deletion.