** Notes ** You can open the notes with a click on the button {{:pedoffice:kunden:notizen.png?direct&30|Notizen}}.
{{:en:pedoffice:kunden:notizen_en.png?nolink&300x375}}**Notes** \\ Click for larger view
Existing notes are shown in the overview. To add a new note click the button {{:pedoffice:plus-button.png?nolink&21x20}}, write the note and save it with a click on the button {{:pedoffice:hacken.png?nolink&20x20}}. To edit an existing note, mark the line of the note and click on the button {{:pedoffice:gruen_bearbeitungsstift.png?nolink&20x21}}. After editing save the changes again with the button {{:pedoffice:hacken.png?nolink&20x20}}. To delete a note, mark the line of the note an click on the button {{:pedoffice:muelleimer.png?nolink&20x20}}.