** Acriba **
===== Import =====
By clicking "Acriba Import" {{:pedoffice:blau_01.png?direct&20|1}}Abb.{{ref>import}} the Acriba-Import window will open.
**Import** \\
Für größere Ansicht klicken
By entering the complete or a part of the first name {{:pedoffice:blau_01.png?direct&20|1}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} or the surname {{:pedoffice:blau_02.png?direct&20|2}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} to the search field and clicking on the button {{:pedoffice:hacken.png?direct&20}}, the customer list {{:pedoffice:rahmen_rot.png?direct&20}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} will be shown.
**Acribar Import Fenster** \\
Für größere Ansicht klicken
Select the customer you want to import to the customer list {{:pedoffice:rahmen_rot.png?direct&20}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} and click "OK" {{:pedoffice:blau_03.png?direct&20|3}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} . .
By clicking "Cancel" {{:pedoffice:blau_06.png?direct&20|6}}Abb.{{ref>import}} {{:pedoffice:blau_04.png?direct&20|4}}Abb.{{ref>acribar_import}} the import process will be canceled.
===== Update =====
With the Acriba interface you can update customer data as well. Open the customer in pedoffice and proceed as for importing.
===== Configuration =====
To configure the Acriba interface, the following information is required from your Acriba installation:
* Server URL
* user
* password
For the configuration please contact pedcad service([[service@pedcad.de|]]).