** Measurement Import ** Several options are available for importing a measurement: ^Button^description^| |{{:pedoffice:kunden:auftrag:messungen:scanner.png?direct&|Messung Starten}}|2D|scan program will be started | | ::: |pressure data|device selection| | ::: |3D|measurement will be started ((If the right side is not activated, it will be measured over left on both sides.)) | |{{:pedoffice:kunden:auftrag:messungen:taschenrechner.png?direct&|Alter Auftrag}}|Transfer a measurement from another order. ((If the checkbox "Select together" is not activated you can choose right and left separately.)) || |{{:pedoffice:kunden:auftrag:messungen:gruen_oeffnen_klein.png?direct&|Import Messdatei}}|2D|open a .jgg / .jffif ((The joint selection of the left and right measurement file requires that the file ends with L/R.)) -file | | ::: |pressure data|open a .apd / .dat ((4)) -file | | ::: |3D|open a .stl ((5)) -file | |{{:pedoffice:kunden:auftrag:messungen:gruen_mueleimer.png?direct&|Löschen}}|delete a measurement||
{{:en:pedoffice:kunden:auftrag:messungen:messung_laden_en.png?nolink&500x195}}**measurement import**